US equity market returns have been strong over the last 18 months, but US corporate profit growth has been anemic over that period (Fig. 1). However, in a reflection of the persistently strong US economy, equity analysts expect S&P 500 corporate profit growth of 13% over the next 12 months.

It’s worth noting that viewing earnings growth expectations for the entire US market muddles the overall picture. Equity analysts underestimated 2023 Mag 7 earnings by a significant margin, but now seem determined to avoid the same error in 2024 by forecasting 32% earnings growth for those seven stocks over the next 12 months. Such highly optimistic earnings expectations, coupled with already high valuations, present a risk to that segment of the equity market should companies fail to deliver.

However, the other 493 companies in the S&P 500 index have a significantly easier expected earnings hurdle to meet: 9.8% earnings growth over the next twelve months. While the overall outlook for equities is positive this year, it’s possible that too much good news has been priced into the Mag 7 and mega cap growth equities in general whereas market participants remain milquetoast about everything else.

Fig. 1: S&P 500 Earnings per share

Source: Bloomberg, Mill Creek. Data as of 4/24/2024.

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